Enhances the face and body using fat collected from another area of the body.


Fat transfer, also called fat grafting, fat injections and lipofilling, is a procedure that uses a person’s own fat to fill in irregularities and grooves. This is now a well-established technique that was perfected in the early nineties to a predictable procedure.

Aesthetic indications for undergoing lipofilling include sunken cheeks, the disappearance of fat from the cheekbones, deep grooves running from the nose to the corners of the mouth, and in some instances of lines between the lower eyelids and the cheek. It is also one of the most common methods used for lip enhancement. In addition, lipofilling can be used to smooth out all types of irregularities such as those resulting from poorly performed liposuction or injuries.

The necessary fat is obtained by a limited liposculpture through one or several 3 to 5 mm incisions. It is normally taken from the abdomen or inner thigh. The aspirated fat is processed by centrifuging, filtering or rinsing. Pure liquid fatty tissue ready for injection is the result.

The fat is then injected where needed. The fat is evenly distributed into the area by injecting minute amounts in the tissues so that the injected fat is well surrounded by healthy tissue. This ensures that the transplanted fat remains in contact with the surrounding tissues that must supply it with oxygen and nutrients.


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a highly effective treatment in helping you erase the signs of ageing. PRP makes use of the patient’s own blood, where platelets can help you undergo a skin revival with results that could not be achieved with surgery. 

PRP has proven to be a natural alternative to improve aged and wrinkled skin using your own blood, returning youthfulness to the face and body. Skin texture, colour and tone can all be improved, and volume can be regained so that you are ready to show the world a whole new you. 


This procedure involves drawing blood from the patient, spinning it in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets, then reinjecting or dermal needling the concentrated platelets into the problem area. Platelets are the cells that release ‘growth factors’ – regenerative and healing substances that contribute to younger-looking skin.

The first part of PRP treatment is similar to a blood test. Our specialists will simply draw blood – usually not more than 30ml, though the exact amount needed will depend on the area being treated. Combined with the time the blood spends in the centrifuge and then the careful reinjection, the whole process will take about 60-90 minutes. After the procedure, there may be some bruising, but this should subside over a week or two.    


Most patients will require a minimum of 3-4 treatments spaced 1 month apart. Most will need to have repeat treatments 1 to 3 times per year with average being every 6 months. For optimal results, we advise clients have three treatments at intervals of four weeks. Your treatment will be tailored by our doctors to suit your individual skin goals and address your concerns or skin conditions.


Conditions or issues that PRP treatment can help with include:

› Acne scars

› Wrinkles

› Facial folds

› Crow’s feet

› Hair growth

The treatment can help improve the appearance of:

› Under eye hollows

› General facial tone

› Fine lines and wrinkles

› Sagging skin     

What conditions are treated by PRP therapy?

  • Osteoarthritis (recommended for all affected joints e.g. hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle)
  • Joint pain (e.g. hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle) 
  • Tendon injuries (torn achilles)
  • Tendonitis
  • Ligament injuries
  • Muscle sprains
  • Tennis elbow
  • Soft tissue sports injuries (muscles, tendons and ligaments)

Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a method of drawing out fluid and infection from a wound to help it heal. A special dressing (bandage) is sealed over the wound and a gentle vacuum pump is attached.

Why do I need it?

Your doctor may recommend NPWT if you have a burn, pressure ulcer, diabetic ulcer, chronic (long-lasting) wound, or injury. This therapy can help your wound heal faster and with fewer infections.

NPWT is a good choice for some patients, but not all. Your doctor will decide if you are a good candidate for this therapy based on your type of wound and your medical situation.

How does it work?

This therapy involves a special dressing (bandage), tubing, a negative pressure device, and canister to collect fluids.

Your doctor  will fit layers of foam dressing to the shape of the wound. The dressing will then be sealed with a film.

The film has an opening where a tube is attached. The tube leads to a vacuum pump and canister where fluids are collected. The vacuum pump can be set so that it is ongoing, or so it starts and stops intermittently.

The vacuum pump pulls fluid and infection from the wound. This helps pull the edges of the wound together. It also helps the wound heal by promoting the growth of new tissue.

When needed, antibiotics and saline can be pushed into the wound.

Using the NPWT device

How long will it take to heal my wound? How long it takes your wound to heal depends on a number of factors. These can include your general health, the size and location of the wound, and your nutritional status. Ask your doctor what you should expect.

Can I shower while the device is on? Yes. You can disconnect the device to take a shower. The device should not be off for more than 2 hours per day, however.

Can I take a bath? No. Bath water can infect a wound. Also, the dressing on the wound can become loose if it’s held under water.

What are the noises the device makes? Because the device has moving parts, it makes a small amount of noise. The noise may become louder or an alarm may sound if there is a leak or a poor seal.

How is the dressing changed? Having your dressing changed regularly is very important to your healing.

How often? In most cases, the dressing should be changed 2 to 3 times a week. If the wound is infected, the dressing may need to be changed more often.

Who changes it? In most cases, the dressing will be changed by a nurse from your doctor’s office or a home health service. This person will be specially trained to change this type of dressing. In some cases, a caregiver, family member, or friend may be trained to change the dressing.

What care needs to be taken? The person changing your dressing needs to do these things:

Wash hands before and after each dressing change.

Always wear protective gloves.

If they have an open cut or skin condition, wait until it has healed before changing your dressing. In this case, another person should change your dressing.

Does it hurt? Changing this type of dressing is similar to changing any other type of dressing. It may hurt a little, depending on the type of wound. Ask your healthcare providers for help with pain relief.